Public Art – Khronos
Located at the New Brunswick Botanical Gardens, Khronos is an eartwork that was created in 2011. The site works as a portal where each individual can gaze at the stars or into their own inner cosmos. As time goes by, Khronos transforms into a laboratory, an astronomical observatory, a compass, or a place of creation and contemplation.
The site’s elements …
The CELESTIAL DOOR is composed of the Cosmic Egg, a 5-foot diameter stainless steel sphere suspended directly beneath the North Star and the Pilars of Creation, two standing stones measuring 17 and 19 feet symbolizing the force that digs and sows the earth while also reaching for the cosmos.
The STONE CIRCLE measures 55 feet in diameter and has 12 standing stones. From the center of the circle, visitors can direct their gaze at 4 Directional Doors; geographical north, south, east and west, or at the 4 Stones of Time which represents measures of time.
The CENTRAL FLAGSTONE is 34 feet in diameter. It serves as a map and sets the composition of the Star Cluster. It’s circular shape alludes Earth, marked with specific geographic locations. From the center, up to the stone circle, all the consecutive circles follow the Fibonacci sequence.
The STAR CLUSTER & the MEDALLIONS is composed of 21 bronze medallions that point to specific sites on earth drawing reference to astronomy, astroarcheology and/or temporal subjects.
The MIRROR of TIME and the MEDITATION STONES is a 10 feet diameter basin. On the water’s mirrored surface, the celestial vault parades night and day. People who wish to walk in the mirror of time during the day will do so amongst the birds, the clouds; and at night, amongst the stars. The 7 blocks of stone following the contour of the Mirror of Time are the Meditation Stones.
The TIMEWAVE is a earthern berm that rises up to 6.9 feet and stretches 150 feet in the shape of a crescent moon. This mound is a fold on the earth’s crust, an oscillation, a frequency, a pulse of life on the matrix of the earth.
With only a few points of reference, it becomes easy to project your conscience into time and space. Inside your mind, a virtual compass will take root and your imagination will transform into a time machine.
Thank you
Khronos was made possible with the participation of many individuals, organisations and companies. The closest collaborators were: Atelier du bronze, Benoit Roussel Fondations, Conrad Lavoie & Fils Ltée, Couturier Welding & Fils Ltée, François Lamontagne, horticulturalist, Gentec, engineers, Jean Aucoin, projet coordinator, JOMA Engineering, engineers, Les Arpenteurs du Nord Ltée, land surveyors, Marc-André Paradis, astronomer, Michel Marceau, landscape arthitect, Nadeau Soucy et Ellis, architects, Nelson Monuments, granit and installation of the monoliths and the City of Edmundston, Department of Green Spaces. This project was funded by the Province of New Brunswick
and the New Brunswick Botanical Garden.