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Ophelia …

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I’m very much interested in the effects of weathering on works of art.

Freezing rain from the night before embedded her body deeper into the snow.  The dawn welcomes Ophelia through swirling snowflakes and gusts of wind.  Her ceramic skin is covered with frost and marked by the ice-cold north wind.  Ophelia drifts into a deep midwinter sleep.

Recipient Éloizes Prize …

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It was with a lot of heartfelt emotion that I received the Prix Éloizes as visual artist of the year in Dieppe this weekend.

A sincere thank you to the AAAPNB and the Éloizes team for your relentless work and your support towards artists.  Here’s a photo taken on the red carpet with my husband Michel, who has always given me unconditional support and has been by my side through every moment of my life as an artist … Michel, there is a part of you in this Éloize!!!

Exhibition “CYCLES” …

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The universe is full of repeating patterns, forms, rhythms and sequences that flow through time.  I imagine them being carried by gears of stone and bone, machines of wind and fire, fabrics and wefts of matter that interlace and spin to infinity on magnificent cogs, spirals and loops of energy.

Humans exist in a cycle, just like animals, plants, stars and galaxies.  There is fertility, birth, death and rebirth in all that exists.  Everything is movement, everything is evolution.

Edmundston Art Center from October 8 to November 14, 2015

Exhibition “Imagined Dialogues” …

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Within the elements of this installation, lines become blurred between what could be a fossil or an artifact.  Skins, furs, scales, shells, eggs or cocoons become cradle envelopes ready to moult or to hatch into a new life; or transform into sarcophagi, sheltering the remains where life existed in the past.  The installation “Sacred Vessels” also reflects the shared belief expressed through the metaphor that compares the body to a temple.

Touring exhibition: Galerie Colline, Madawaska Historical Meseum, Edmundston, NB from August 12 to September 30, 2014 and at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton, NB from October 2, 2014 to January 11, 2015

Painting with pixels …

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Working in digital art is like drawing, the files on my hard drive are the like pages in my sketchbook.

I begin the same way as I do for a drawing, with a blank page, in this case a blank screen; and substitute the crayons and pigments for electronic tools and colored pixels.  The computer allows me to discover what is possible in the creation of an image like no other medium.  The paint is never dry, the exposure or contrast are always redoable and unlimited additions or substractions of image particles are possible.  In the end, I just need to decide when the image is done.

I use realistic or abstract images that I have captured with my camera of patterns, forms or colors found in the natural environment, or photographs of my own sculptures or of live models.  These images are layered, cut, pasted, drawn or painted on using digital brushes and other electronic tools.  The final image is often that of an imagined landscape, exploring the mysteries, the nuances and the enigmatic qualities of nature.

This collection of images are part of a series titled “Body Shells”.

Nests-Cradles …

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Nests-Cradles is a community-based art and photography project initiative.  During my artist residency at the Edmundston Art Center in 2013, I photographed venus figurines held by men, women and children of all ages.  Fate chose who would be the participants as I had visits at the studio.

My aim was to create a mosaic of 100 nest-cradles.  The goal of this project was to serve as a visual declaration of a community that values women and life.

Circle of Creators, representing the visual arts …

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Representing the Visual Arts during the 2012 Gala des Éloizes at the K.C. Irving Regional Center, Bathurst, NB, on May 3, 2012.

Janie Mallet, Host, Éveline Gallant Fournier, Visual Arts, Paul Arsenauld, Media Arts, Hélène Harbec, Literature, Sylvie Mazerolle, Danse, André Bourgeois, Music, Sandra LeCouteur, Music and Mathieu Chouinard, Theatre.  (Photo credit Denis Lanteigne)